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Strategic Initiative Definitions


Master Facilities Plan (MFP) Impact:

High: Multiple modalities, campus dependent

Medium: Limited number of modalities, independent

Low: Single modality, lease or simple build/TI


Return on Investment (ROI):

High: Specialty driven ambulatory care including testing, procedures, and surgery with or without urgent and primary care

Medium: Urgent and primary care without specialties

Low: Inpatient including psych and rehab; and outpatient psych


Service Line Definitions:

Primary Care: Internal Medicine, Family Practice, OB/GYN, Pediatrics, Wellness, Health Education

Specialty Care: All specialties except cancer

Cancer: Outpatient oncology, chemotherapy, radiation therapy

Behavioral Health: Inpatient and outpatient psychiatry and substance abuse

Outpatient Testing & Treatment: All outpatient testing, treatment, and surgery

Acute Care: All inpatient hospital care including infrastructure improvements

Other: Not classified elsewhere, insufficient information


Priority Scoring Criterion:

5  Strategically or brand critical; requires a capital budget item in the next two fiscal years

4  Foundational to the success of the population health strategy or brand; needs to be addressed in the latter half of first five-year period

3  Necessary to the population health strategy or brand; can wait for the second five year period

2  Important to the success of the population health strategy or brand; can wait for the third five year period

1  Initiative is unformed and needs earlier initiatives to develop further; can wait until the fourth five year period

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